Topic: research

Doctoral students are invited to three-minute thesis competition
On 11 November, the university invites all doctoral students to the University of Tartu three-minute thesis competition to present their research to colleagues and the general public.
04. October 2022 research
Research news: financial well-being, dialect training for computers, vitamin D, and parasitic helminths 
The “Research news” section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research. 
29. September 2022 research
Doctoral defence: Liis Roosaar “Essays on labour mobility and labour productivity”
On 23 September at 13:00 Liis Roosaar will defend his doctoral thesis „Essays on labour mobility and labour productivity“.
08. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Hedvig Sultson “Refining the constructs of positive and negative emotional eating”
7. oktoobril kell 14.15 kaitseb Hedvig Sultson psühholoogia erialal doktoritööd "Refining the constructs of positive and negative emotional eating".
06. September 2022 researchfor society
Research news: children's well-being, poetry structures, gut bacteria of 100-year-olds, and forest mortality
The "Research news" section gives regular hints about interesting studies in various fields of research.
01. September 2022 research
International business accelerator brings start-ups to Estonia to develop digital society services
The international business accelerator Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) launched at the University of Tartu brings together research-intensive start-ups from across Europe.
Doctoral Programmes before the 2022/2023 academic year
Enne 2022/2023 sisse astunud doktorantide õppetöö jätkub sisseastumisel kehtinud õppekava versiooni alusel, edasijõudmise hindamise aluseks on ainepunktide kogumine vastavalt õppekava tingimustele nin
25. August 2022 research
Estonian Journal of Education: call for papers
We are inviting submissions for the free issue of Estonian Journal of Education (Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri), which is scheduled to be published in November 2023.
23. August 2022 research
Completion of doctoral studies
Doktoriõppe keskmes on doktoritöö ja teadustööga seotud tegevused.
29. August 2022 research
Supporting your doctoral studies
Links to topics that may become relevant and useful during your doctoral studies.
25. August 2022 research