Educational Sciences

Doctoral studies prepare students for employment as teaching or research staff at universities and other research institutions, or as leading specialists in the field of education outside the academic sphere. Doctoral studies are research-based studies at the topmost level of higher education, during which the doctoral student acquires the necessary skills for independent research, development and creative work.

The programme consists of two modules:

1. Research, Development and Creative Work module (5460 hours, equivalent to 210 ECTS credits);

2. Study module (780 hours, equivalent to 30 ECTS credits).

Upon successful completion of the programme, the doctoral student:

1. will have a high level of knowledge and skills in their chosen field of research, and will understand and adapt its research methodologies;

2. will be able to evaluate and generalise knowledge and methods both within their own and between different disciplines;

3. will be able to analyse, synthesise and assess novel and complex ideas, identify research challenges in the field of education, formulate research questions and create theories;

4. will be able to initiate, plan, develop and evaluate education-related research and development work;

5. will be independent, creative and innovative in their academic work;

6. will be able to manage processes and people, and be capable of taking strategic decisions in relation to them;

7. will be ethical in their conduct, follow good research practice, and observe intellectual property rights and data protection best practices;

8. will be clear, logical and understandable to their target audience in their oral and written communications;

9. will be open and flexible when carrying out teamwork, and be able to give constructive feedback and incorporate feedback from others;

10. will be able to systematically analyse their own skills and needs for professional development.

Research, Development and Creative Work (RDC) module

The aim of the module is to enhance and strengthen the competencies necessary for both specialised and field-specific research, development and creative work, as well as the general skills required for work as a leading specialist in the education sector.

Upon successful completion of the module, the student:

1. will be able to analyse, synthesize and evaluate complex and novel ideas, identify research challenges in the education field, pose research questions, and develop theories;

2. will be able to present their research and its results both orally and in writing to both a specialised and general audience, and be able to do so in at least one foreign language in addition to the language of instruction;
3. will have a thorough understanding of and be able to apply different qualitative and quantitative analysis methods used in the field of educational science;

4. will apply good practice in their academic writing and publishing activities, and be able to give substantiated feedback about education-related research, development and creative work;

5. will know effective methods for reflecting on their own experiences and for planning their career and professional development;

6. will be able to successfully teach and supervise at higher education level;

7. will actively participate in the research community of the education field and that of their own specialisation, both in Estonia and internationally;

The doctoral student shall:
1. write a doctoral thesis that complies with the requirements set in the Regulations for Doctoral Studies, and comply with the progress review regulations set at their faculty;
2. give a presentation at at least two high-level international research conferences in the field of educational science;

3. actively participate in both general doctoral seminars and seminars with your supervisor;

4. be active in promoting their doctoral work, presenting it to the media and at education-related seminars in Estonia;

5. actively participate in events at the Centre for Doctoral Studies which are for doctoral students in the education field and general events for all doctoral students, and contribute to their organisation and to the development of the community of doctoral students and researchers;

6. successfully teach at a higher education level and supervise at least two pieces of student work.

Study module

The aim of the module is to enhance and strengthen the specialised and field-specific competencies needed for research, development and creative work, as well as general competencies. The doctoral student will learn how to conduct research and will acquire transferable skills by participating in courses, training events and other activities.

On successful completion of the module, the student:

1. will understand the most common theories specific to their speciality;

2. will have a good grasp of various research methods and understand good research practice, intellectual property rights and data protection policies;

3. will be able to communicate their results clearly and understandably both verbally and in writing;

4. will be able to initiate, plan, apply and evaluate education-related research and development work, and manage processes and people associated with such work, making strategic decisions as necessary;

5. will be aware of best practices in relation to academic writing, publishing and presentation, and know the principles and methods for giving feedback;

6. will have knowledge which can be applied for teaching, academic supervision, and promoting both their speciality and the broader education field.

The module is divided into two parts: the Transferable Skills sub-module (156 hours, equivalent to 6 ECTS credits) and the Specialist Knowledge sub-module (624 hours, equivalent to 24 ECTS credits).

In the Transferable Skills sub-module, the doctoral students are required to acquire the transferable skills set out in the learning aims of the programme and module, both by way of self-analysis and by following the individual plan composed in collaboration with their supervisor(s).

In the Specialist Knowledge sub-module of the Study module, all doctoral students are required to complete the following courses:

  • SVHI.02.016 “Educational theory” (3 ECTS),
  • SVHI.01.010 “Qualitative research methods in education” (5 ECTS),
  • SVHI.01.012 “Quantitative research methods in education” (5 ECTS),
  • LTOM.05.003 “Philosophy of science” (5 ECTS).

For the remaining 6 ECTS the doctoral students are required to acquire the skills and knowledge set out in the learning aims of the programme and module, both by way of self-analysis and by following the individual plan composed in collaboration with their supervisor(s).

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