#research #news
The web repository features practical educational and informational materials that encourage young people to test their digital skills.
#university #news
On 25 June, the University of Tartu and OÜ Kauss Arhitektuur signed a contract for the reconstruction of the academic building and the landscaping of the yard area of the Tallinn office of the School of Law (Kaarli pst 3).
#institute #governance #news
Psühholoogia instituudi nõukogu valis 27. mai koosolekul instituudi juhatajaks senise juhi, eksperimentaalpsühholoogia professori Kairi Kreegipuu.
#for student #news
From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.

Faculty of Social Sciences

Our faculty is the most valued training centre for social scientists and offers the most broad-based higher education in social sciences in Estonia.

Admission and studies


We shape and interpret the future society

In the changing world, social scientists offer research-based solutions and interpret the opportunities and challenges facing society.

Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Centre for Doctoral Studies in Social Sciences

About the faculty