Admission and studies
About the faculty
Centre for Doctoral Studies
"Academic Writing for Social Sciences PhD Students"Pühajärve, 22.05.2024-24.05.2024. Registration is closed. See the next Estonian Doctoral School events at
Estonian Doctoral School Mobility Grant for doctoral students in the Social Sciences at the University of Tartu is open, last day for application is 20.05.2024.
Project "Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies" (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003) is co-funded by the European Union.
News and media
The newly elected director said that the University of Tartu School of Law has a special mission to ensure the raising of a new generation of Estonian lawyers.
Psühholoogia instituudi nõukogu valis 27. mai koosolekul instituudi juhatajaks senise juhi, eksperimentaalpsühholoogia professori Kairi Kreegipuu.
About new Estonian-French project on disinformation supported by NATO
The University of Tartu's biggest career expo – Delta Career Day – will be held for the sixth time on 28 February 2024.
University of Tartu starts training specialists to fight disinformation
At the meeting on 23 May, the Council of Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies elected Dr Kristiina Tõnnisson, Lecturer in Public Administration, for the position of Head of the Institute.
Creating cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues from the University of Hue.
The graduation ceremony of the Johan Skytte Institute for Political Studies will take place on June 19, 2024 at 11:00 in the assembly hall of the university's main building (Ülikooli 18, Tartu)
On Friday, 4 March at 10, a newly renovated academic and research building will be opened at Jakobi 5 in Tartu for the staff and students of all departments of the University of Tartu Institute of Education. Also, a conference will be held to celebrate the institute's 20th anniversary.
At the Library of Social Sciences you can find literature from different specialities: journalism and communication, public administration, politology and political science, sociology, social work.