6th International Scientific Conference "Uralo-indogermanica"

Narva õppehoone
Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledž

18–19 October 2024, the 6th International Scientific Conference "Uralo-indogermanica" will take place at the Narva College of the University of Tartu.

Linguists, literary, folklore specialists and musicologists, historians, ethnographers, ethnologists, and archaeologists are expected to attend the conference.

The aim of the conference is a comparative study of Uralic/Finno-Ugric and Indo-European languages and cultures. The focus of the conference is Uralic/Finno-Ugric and Indo-European languages and cultures contacts. We pay special attention to the work of Kai Laitinen and Mihály Váci, who would have celebrated his 100th anniversary.

The working languages of the event are Estonian, English, Russian, Hungarian and German.

Programme of the Finno-Ugric Days in Narva

17 October – 16 November: Book exhibition in memory of Kai Laitinen (Narva College lobby)

18 October at 12.00 –19 October at 13:00: Conference “Uralo-indogermanica VI” (Narva College)

18 October at 18:00: Concert - Narva College, aud 200. Performing: Merle Jääger (Tartu), Tõnu Vorms (Tartu), Arvo Survo (Finland), Jelena Sabinina, Iloiset ystävät & Svätogor.

18 October at 20:00: Literature Evening at Inger hotell conference hall (Puškini 28): Mihály Váci 100. Performing: Merle Jääger and Anu Nurk (Tartu), István Hazay (Austria)

19 October at 14:00: Welly wanging at Narva Rahvaste Maja (Kreenholmi 25). Organized by Narva Ingerisoomlaste Selts.

19 October kl 16:00: Finno-Ugric Concert at culture house Rugodiv (Puškini 8)

Organizing committee: Szilárd Tibor Tóth (Chairman of the Committee, University of Tartu Narva College), Piret Norvik (Tallinn), Ildikó Vančo, PhD (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra), habil. prof., Helle Kuldsepp (Narva Ingerisoomlaste Selts)

Celebrating “Tribal Week of Finno-Ugric peoples” in Narva has become a tradition in recent years. The first conference, "The Concept of Freedom in the Literatures of Eastern Europe," took place in Narva in 2013, and we have alternately organized it with the conference "Uralo-indogermanica".

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