University of Tartu student tested positive for coronavirus

Today a student of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu was confirmed to have coronavirus disease COVID-19. The student took part in studies from Tuesday to Wednesday. 

 The Health Board will identify the people who have been in close contact with the infected person and communicate with them. Further actions in connection with the buildings of the University of Tartu will be decided by the university’s Rector’s Office together with heads of the units using the buildings. 
People who suspect coronavirus infection should contact their family doctor, ask for advice from the GP helpline 1220 (+372 634 6630 when calling from abroad) or if necessary, call the emergency line 112. 
The university cares for the health of its employees and students, communicates closely with the Health Board and constantly updates advice on protection against infecting and avoiding spread of the coronavirus via the intranet and the website.

It is important for people who feel unwell to stay at home and monitor their health. If possible, all trips to foreign countries should be cancelled because the likelihood of getting infected is higher when travelling. Read the university’s instructions on preventing coronavirus.