Economics and Business Administration

The Faculty of Economics is a leading and fast-developing economics research centre that is strongly connected with international research networks in Estonia. We focus every day on developing an environment which fosters research and where research takes place in cooperation with international research centres. In addition to the high-level research on an academic level, we also conduct necessary applied research for policy shapers and counsel the necessary parties. Our researchers publish work in highly ranked journals such as the American Economic Review, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy and Technovation. We have also been issuing a publication series of the Faculty of Economics since 2000. Three recipients of Estonian National Research Awards and one member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences work here.

Research Field Description

At the Faculty of Economics, we research both economics and business administration. Basic and applied research are conducted in both. Moreover, the researchers at the Faculty of Economics contribute to cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship and innovation research. The future potential of our research is good because our connections with international networks are strengthening and we are developing new connections, and we have initiated many interdisciplinary studies in breakthrough fields (connections to migration and knowledge transfer, mobile positioning and tourism marketing, innovation and organisational behaviour, cultural dimensions and innovation). When thinking of the future, it is important that 4-5 doctoral theses are defended every year.

Main fields of research

  • Innovation studies
  • Labour market and migration studies
  • Internationalisation of companies
  • Organisational behaviour and human resource management
  • Cultural and social capital studies
  • Neuromarketing
  • Entrepreneurship and knowledge economy

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