Topic: recognition 

Doctoral defence: Liva Rudzite-Celmina "Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“
7. veebruaril kell 10.00 kaitseb Liva Rudzite-Celmina õigusteaduse erialal doktoritööd „Creations Involving Artificial Intelligence Under the European Patent Convention: Legal Implications and Potential Solutions“ („Tehisintellekti kaasav looming ja Euroopa patendikonventsioon: õiguslikud tagajärjed ja võimalikud lahendused“).
21. January 2025 researchfor society
Over 50 University of Tartu researchers among nominees for Estonian national research awards
The National Research Awards Committee has approved the following researchers from the University of Tartu as nominees for this year’s research awards.
20. January 2025 recognition 
Maaja Vadi and Priit Vahter Received the Mihhail Bronštein Award in Economics
Professor Priit Vahter, Professor of Applied Economics, and Professor Maaja Vadi, Professor of Management, have been awarded the 2024 Mihhail Bronštein Award by the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
“Contribution to Estonian National Identity” award presented to historian of journalism and museologist Krista Aru
Today, on 1 December, the University of Tartu celebrates 105 years from the opening of the Estonian-language university.
01. December 2024 recognition 
Professor Sabine Andresen gave lecture “Ask us! Participatory research’s potential and limitations in childhood and family research”
A day earlier, professor Andresen will be appointed Honorary Doctor in Sociology of the University of Tartu.
RECORDING: rector is handing over the University of Tartu honorary decorations
Today, on 21 November, at 16:00, Rector Toomas Asser presented the university’s honorary decorations at the ceremony in the assembly hall. 
21. November 2024 recognition 
Toivo Maimets received the Tiiu Sild memorial lifetime achievement award
On 15 November, the Estonian Research Council recognised outstanding science communicators at its annual science communication conference.
18. November 2024 researchrecognition 
Public lecture on inquiry-based learning by UT Honorary Doctor, Professor emeritus Ton de Jong
TÜ audoktori, emeriitprofessor Ton de Jongi avalik loeng uurimuslikust õppest
Marju Himma awarded with the Baltic Women in Science fellowship
The laureate received a €7,000 fellowship to support her research project "Deliberative Science Communication."
06. November 2024 open sciencerecognition 
Mari Tõrv, Kadri-Ann Pankratov and Marju Himma awarded with the Baltic Women in Science fellowships
All three women received the fellowships of €7,000 in recognition of their research so far and to support further research in their scientific fields.
05. November 2024 researchrecognition