Nguyen Hoang Quan Tran will defend his doctoral thesis "Perception of organisational culture in terms of task and relationship orientations in Vietnam"

On 10 June at 10:00 Nguyen Hoang Quan Tran will defend his doctoral thesis "Perception of organisational culture in terms of task and relationship orientations in Vietnam" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Business Administration).

Professor Maaja Vadi, University of Tartu 
Associate Professor Krista Jaakson, University of Tartu

Professor Mukta Kulkarni,Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
Associate Professor Mike Franz Wahl, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

This thesis aims to enhance the understanding of how Vietnamese employees perceive task and relationship orientations within organisational culture, employing a leadership approach to validate these perceptions. Conducting three empirical studies, the primary contribution of this thesis is that the perception of organisational culture among Vietnamese employees is more task-oriented than relationship-oriented. The second contribution of this thesis lies in assessing the suitability of a mainstream tool for measuring organisational culture regarding leadership behaviours. The last contribution of this thesis is to confirm the role of leadership behaviours as a validation of employees' perceptions of organisational culture and to create a new questionnaire for studying organisational culture that fully adapts to Vietnamese organisations. As a result, a new instrument known as "pOC_TSU" has been established, highlighting the role of task, unity, and status orientations. To summarise, the dissertation provides insight into how Vietnamese employees perceive organisational culture. 

The defence will be held online.

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