Alo Lilles will defend his doctoral thesis “The relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in Europe“

On 25 September at 12:00 Alo Lilles will defend his doctoral thesis The relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in Europe for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Economics).

Professor Urmas Varblane, University of Tartu

Willem van Winden, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)

Magdolna Sass, Center of Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)

The maximization of the innovation potential involves strengthening the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem, where different stakeholders support each other. Knowledge transfer in regions is often limited geographically and depends on the public sector's ability to create a conducive environment for knowledge reception and interpretation. All three stakeholders (universities, businesses, and government) must be accessible and reach critical mass to maximize collaboration benefits. The thesis argues their equal importance in regional capability for economic development. It aims to enhance understanding of the complex relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in Europe.

The first article focuses on the systematic framework for university-business collaboration measurement and evaluation.

The second article emphasizes the role of universities in supporting regional capability and growth. Universities must ensure the supply of highly skilled labour and act as a cornerstone of lifelong learning processes. The conclusions highlight the importance of involving other stakeholders in policy-making and the need to strengthen collaboration between universities and regions.

The third article examines the differences among European regions and the potential of participants in supporting university-business collaboration. The study emphasizes the need to understand the capabilities of different regions and implement policies that support smart specialization strategies and regional development.

The thesis concludes that knowledge translation support, stakeholder collaboration, and bridging regional gaps are vital for maximizing university-business collaboration's regional development potential.

The defence fill be held in Narva Rd 18–1006 and online.



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