Topic: sustainability

Young people in Narva offered ideas to implement green transition in the region
As part of the Ida-Viru County Entrepreneurship Week, on 6 October, Narva College hosted an idea competition for young people to come up with ideas for implementing the green transition. The best idea was that of the students of Narva Upper Secondary School: using textile waste from the sewing industry to make toys for pets.
Katri Raik starts work as the University of Tartu representative in Ida-Viru county
On Wednesday, 27 September, Katri Raik starts work as the representative of the University of Tartu in Ida-Virumaa. Her main duties will be developing the university’s activities and promoting cooperation with local entrepreneurs in Ida-Viru county.
26. September 2023 entrepreneurshipsustainability
What makes individuals fall through the safety nets during disasters?
At the initiative of Kati Orru, Associate Professor of Sociology of Sustainability at the University of Tartu, the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, a flagship journal of crisis sociology, has published a special issue.
RECORDING: Public lecture by Maive Rute „Global race for cleantech and critical raw materials. Europe between China and the US"
The Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Maive Rute will visit the University of Tartu.
Climate change and Estonia: what we should know and do
Researchers of the University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development point out eight key facts and nine activities connected with Estonia and climate change.
05. April 2023 sustainability
Margit Keller: The six pillars of sustainability
Speech by Margit Keller, Head of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Associate Professor in Social Communication, at the ceremony dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
28. February 2023 sustainability
University of Tartu researchers received €60 million to develop two international centres of excellence
Kaks Tartu Ülikooli juhitavat rahvusvahelist teaduskonsortsiumi said kokku 60 miljonit eurot.
06. January 2023 sustainabilityresearch
UT Centre for Sustainable Development facilitates interdisciplinary cooperation
The University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development seeks solutions for key societal issues arising from the ever-increasing conflict between the planetary boundaries and the human impact.
Recording: opening event of the University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development
On 13 December from 14 to 18, the opening event of the University of Tartu Centre for Sustainable Development took place in the conference hall of the university library.  
16. November 2022 sustainabilityfor society
University of Tartu sets out to increase climate awareness
University of Tartu starts the project "Climate awareness from school to society: empowering children, youth and teachers to reduce the effects of climate change" with partners.
16. September 2022 research