Topic: for society

Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
25. September 2024 for studentresearchfor society
New volunteers welcome to make camouflage nets for Ukraine
At the University of Tartu, the weaving of camouflage nets and the making of helmet covers for the Ukrainian armed forces continues.
17. September 2024 for society
University of Tartu and Cybernetica to jointly train industrial doctoral students starting this autumn
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
11. September 2024 cooperationresearchfor society
How ethical is it to kill your enemies? Oxford Professor Jeff McMahan presents special issue on Russia-Ukraine war
On 5 September, one of the world’s leading moral philosophers, Professor Jeff McMahan from the University of Oxford, will give a public lecture on the ethics of killing and just war theory. His lecture marks the publication of a special issue of a philosophy journal focused on the Russia-Ukraine war. The event will be held from 16:00 to 18:00 in White Hall at the University of Tartu Museum.
UT associate professor elected editor-in-chief of the Estonian Human Development Report
The Estonian Cooperation Assembly elected Eneli Kindsiko as the editor-in-chief of the Estonian Human Development Report (EIA), to be published in 2026.
29. May 2024 for society
Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu
In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.
Doctoral defence: Artur Simonyan "Regional International Law in Eurasia"
On 10 June at 10:00 Artur Simonyan will defend his doctoral thesis "Regional International Law in Eurasia".
10. May 2024 researchfor society
University brings top professionals and future technologies to Ida-Viru County
Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
Open lecture about Ukrainian forced migrants
Ukrainian forced migrants - the adaptation of the Polish education system to the challenges related to the influx of students from Ukraine.
The exhibition "Kant 300 in Tartu: from manuscripts to heaven"
On Friday, April 5, at 16:15 - opening of the exhibition "Kant 300 in Tartu: from manuscripts to heaven" at the university library. The exhibition features original manuscripts of the philosopher's lecture courses and correspondence, as well as first editions of his works from the collections of the University of Tartu Library.
03. April 2024 culturefor society